Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Twitter feeds to go, Websites to see
I've been so fortunate to meet people that have discovered my page. I have enjoyed all of you as you have enjoyed coming along with me on my journey. I have compiled a list of a few websites that I would like my followers to view. Most of these websites are about coupon clipping, some of them are even about freebees. was a great place that I had visited when I just started to print and clip coupons. It was pretty easy to do as a first-timer. Let me tell you.. has so much to offer: from department store coupons to free stuff online. They have great tips on how to be frugal with your money when you are being a consumer, fabulous Amazon finds to even local deals and events in and around Lansing, Michigan. Even if you aren't from the area, this website is still a very useful website to stumble upon. The side panel of has a lot to offer such as Birthday Freebees, Places to go where Kids Eat Free, to Diaper Deals (which is the reason why I went there originally), and you can participate in "A Mitten Full of Give-A-Ways". There are so many ways to benefit from this site.
This site that I discovered a few weeks ago is called which has a lot to offer as well. From grocery and online coupons to coupon codes and learning how to get free shipping with your orders, you seriously can not go wrong with being on a budget. But lets face it. We are ALL on a budget. And here are some significant tools to help. They have advertising for the top stores and sites that everyone has heard of like: Bath and Body Works, Banana Republic, Claire's, the Gap, Old Navy and Petsmart. They even have the latest deals when it comes to travel such as hotel rooms.
Both of these sites have options for contact, FAQs, and the ability to follow these sites on about all of the normal social networks that we all are on. If you don't believe me, here are some online followers that have left feedback.
"I LOVE being a member! Thanks for providing such an awesome service. As the wife of a full time college student and the mother of an 18 month’s nice to be able to save money wherever I can!" - Rachel***********************"I never really used coupons before...I never wanted to take the time to look and see if I buy anything that might have some deals. Didn't think it would matter much to save a dollar here or there but I have saved way more than that with It is great!" - Andrea K
On the hunt for the perfect nappy
Seeing how there are so many disposable diapers on the market, we are lucky to live in an age where we can choose what we think would be best for our babies. My mother had the choice to use disposable diapers with me, I had an even better choice to use (and choose) what disposable diapers I wanted to use with my daughter and finally she will have a better choice of the disposable diapers for her daughter. Isn't that the way it always is?
Let's the top of my head, I believe my mom had to use Pampers with me. They are durable and absorbent but does
not have any available to protect your baby while sleeping throughout the night although they do have a bed-wetting protection called Underjams. Created in 1961, they come in a variety from preemies to size 7. Size 7 is the only size for Underjams and Cruisers. Having several sizes of pampers to choose from, Swaddlers and Baby Dry are only for newborns and infants. Baby dry is also for toddlers as well as Cruisers. They even have their own disposable training pants called Easy Ups. Pampers promotes more baby products such as disposable bibs which they call Bibsters and their own brand of baby wipes. A good friend of mine told my daughter that she really likes the way that Pampers feels but the price is way out there. There are some generic brands that have the same feel but without breaking the bank.
Designed in 1968, Huggies brand was introduced to the market from Kimberly-Clark. The company, based in Irving, TX is one of the biggest producers of mostly paper-based consumer products in the world. They had developed another type of diaper different from Pampers that are unique in size and quality. My little sister typically uses Huggies products because of the feeling of the baby wipes. As I have stated before, most of the population like the feeling of Pampers while Huggies are known for their texture in baby wipes.
So. On one hand, you have Pampers which are extremely expensive and on the other hand you have Huggies which are very reliable in the absorbent area. So what do you do? Do a little research and you will probably find out that Target brand Up and Up is probably the most reliable diapers with the most affordable prices going around.
The Adult Sibling
What a beautiful story!!!!
An open letter to my grand daughter Victoria Renee
My darling first grand daughter,
As I sit here anxiously waiting for your arrival, there are so many things I want to be able to introduce to you. This world, having so much negativity, also has an equal amount (depending how you view it) of so many positive things that surround us in our daily lives. I can not wait for you to have this wonderful opportunity to discover the many prospects in this life.
You are only 9 ounces now, but soon when you arrive, you will meet the family that loves you so much. I can not wait to finally hold you in my arms. I often wonder what you are going to looks like, who you are going to be when you grow up, and how you are going to view this wonderful world we live in. Believe me, it is wonderful and I hope you benefit from all the great things that are headed your way. My wish for you most of all is having great health, a positive perspective on all living things and knowing the difference between right and wrong in every situation.
We found out that you are a female on October 18th. The waiting room was filled with people that love you so much. As we walked into the ultrasound room, (room number 6), your Mommy and Daddy were together. Mommy laid on the bed while the technician started searching for your gender. It was hard because you wiggled around so much, mommy even commented that you couldn't settle down.
Finally we were able to see three little lines. Mommy and Daddy held hands while the ultrasound technician waved her magic wand across Mommy's tummy. Everything was great and in working order! A healthy baby girl!
Welcome to this beautiful world! Always remember your grandmother loves you so much! I can't wait to finally meet you!
Grandma Titi
Autism Spectrum Disorder: A success story
It has been identified that about one in 88 children have been born with autism spectrum disorder according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Statistics show that over 2 million people in the United States alone are affected by this. This proportion of people with autism spectrum disorder in expected to increase from 10 to 17 percent annually due to the fact of wider awareness and proper screening although there is still a mystery why the continued increase still haunts us. It is not fully known how this horrible disorder manifests but with current research showing that it is likely due to a complex combination of genetic predispositions and environmental factors that have influenced early brain development. Either advanced ages of either parents at the moment of conception, maternal illness during the pregnancy, extreme prematurity or very low birth weight. Fortunately not every child develops these types of neuro-developmental disorders. The effects of maternal immune activation involves the strength of fighting infection and genetic predisposition.
My sister had given birth to a child with autism spectrum disorder in 2000. We were so happy to welcome a beautiful little boy in our family. All ten fingers and ten toes were all we needed. As he grew, things were that angel was battling something inside of him that we could not figure out. My sister went to doctor after doctor, administering him medicine that I couldn't even pronounce. It seemed that my sister was going stir-crazy trying to find what was the matter with her son. But my sister *did* find out what was wrong with her son. Like so many other loving parents, my sister did not give up on finding out what was affecting her son. I am so proud of her for that. After so many trials that family has been through, there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the both of them.
Today he is a marvelous student, awesome musician (he plays the clarinet in his school marching band) and is a wonderful individual that will prosper as he goes into his teenaged years. This is a success story.
Whats in a name?
Have you ever stopped and wondered what your grandchildren are going to call you? It's funny how you hear different names in different parts of the country of what you typically call your grandparents. Around here, most are called "Mamaw" or "MeeMaw" which isn't a bad thing at all. But I've always wondered what the name that fits me is going to be. My mother tells me to wait to see what the baby actually says. Sometimes it would be better to introduce myself with a name that would be easier for the baby to say rather that remain nameless until the baby can talk.
Originally, I thought my family went against the grain. I have found that this is not true. My mother's grandmother was named "Good Mama" followed by her daughter, "Mamae" (which is french slang for 'my mommy' with 'mon' (my) and 'mere' (mother) together) as my grandmother, finally my mother is named "Geema" from what my daughter decided to call her when she was around 1 1/2 years old. I often wonder what is wrong with plain "grandmother". Now I am on an adventure to find my own name.
I was thinking at first that I could take my own grandmother's name "Mamae" but that isn't very original and too informal, especially when it comes to the french language. All my nieces and nephews call me "Titi" instead of "Aunt", so I can build from that, I suppose.*Grandma Titi* would be a great name. I *am* the grandma and the baby will hear me being called "Titi" by other family members so maybe it isn't such a bad name. As a matter o' fact, I think that is a swell name.
According to there is a list that is dubbed the "Ultimate guide to Grandparent Names". I can see this as something useful. Many grandparents choose their own names at first then wait for what the child can say or what they hear from their older siblings. There are lists of traditional grandparents names, trendy grandparents names and finally playful grandparents names. Fortunately I found the names that I have heard throughout my family in the "traditional" section.
Even if you don't plan to become a grandparent soon, you really should go to the site below and find your 'perfect grandparent' name (just for fun). Who knows what might stick in the future. Tell me....what are the names you have chose for yourself? Comments please! :)
Just us girls
Spending precious time together
These are the special times I am going to remember. My daughter and I walking to Starbucks (across the street where we live) and getting a quick latte, window shopping at the many little stores at our convenience. Although we don't walk arm in arm like we did when she was a child, chatting over our favorite lattes and having a few laughs was all I needed to have a wonderful day with her. Of course, we are avid people-watchers and this is a great time to practice doing so. As we walk to and fro to the many shops, she finds kid toys and wants to buy them for the little girl next door. We have a real good time together without thinking of our responsibilities of bills, house-cleaning and homework. I'm going to miss these moments with her.
A Mother's Wish
Poor kid woke up this morning with a back ache..the kind that you get at the end of a long day. As a mother, I wish I could take it all away and carry her child for her but this is not possible given the income I have. It's ok. I've done my time and now it's her turn.
Now the fun begins.....
Funny how time seems to heal...even for the scenarios that you can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. Learning to accept the way things are is easier for me now. The baby is now 5.12 inches resting comfortably (and healthy from what I know so far) in her mommy's belly. We are now ready to learn about the gender although we will find out later in the month of October. After that, it will be time to start shopping for that certain gender.
As of today, she is now 16 weeks pregnant and starting her 2nd trimester. Her baby is at the size of an avocado. That little angel can hear her mommy's voice echoing through her body. Tiny bones have formed in her ears. She is growing hair and has lashes with eyebrows. And she is also forming taste buds. :) The baby is moving around my daughter's belly and this is the time that she will start actually feeling it. Reality is finally going to set in for my daughter. The nausea days have passed and we are now looking forward to her little belly getting even bigger with love.
School is going splendidly for my daughter as she is getting the straight As in each class. The saying in this house is 'maintain those As!' every morning that she walks out the door. With an on-going habit of studying, she will hopefully fulfill this semester with flying colors. I am thankful that she is concentrating on going to school. I can remember when I graduated with my G.E.D. at 30 years old. I have pictures of how proud she was for me. I was proud she was able to actually see me graduate and continue on with college. I remember telling her that "not even two strokes can keep me from furthering my education." With 'community', a pregnancy will not hinder her as well. I can honestly say I am proud of her.
So many wonderful little teachers....lesson learned
Today is my youngest nephews birthday party. Family and friends have come to celebrate with us. Football is on the big screen with all the men piled into the living room while all the women and kids are sitting in the dining room with all the kids joyously eating their birthday cake and ice cream. Everyone crowded around the birthday boy to watch him blow out his candles and open his presents..
The day before, we had a wonderful cook-out with my new friend and her family. In their own way, her children have eased my fears about hearing the pitter-patter of little feet and knowing that every child has a different personality, little people are mostly full of smiles and joy. Moments such as this make this transition so much easier for me. I find myself cooking children snacks for the neighbor's children because I know they enjoy these little thing. They don't know it, but they are changing my mind in so many positive ways in accepting children. I thank them for this from the bottom of my heart. Last night, I was informed that my daughter felt "fluttering" in her tummy. I do notice a little bump on her and its going to get bigger and bigger while I get more excited.
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This morning sickness has got to stop!
Ok my friends out there in Wordpress World......when does morning sickness FINALLY end? I mean, it seems like my daughter has had morning sickness from day one. She constantly sleeps, and if she isn't sleeping, she is eating like a bird. When she is not eating like a bird, she is dealing with the morning sickness. As a mother, I wish it would stop! She's sick at home, out shopping, over at a friend's house and even at school.
Does anyone have any recommendations??
Is this going to happen to me??
Walking into the Maryville Health Clinic with my daughter continuously makes me so excited for this baby to come into our lives. We were instructed to go to the second floor via a very thin staircase. As my daughter went to the window to sign herself in, i went to sit in the waiting lobby where the other moms and grandmothers were waiting to be seen. I made the ghastly mistake to sit by three very loud children screaming (at the top of their lungs) with joy. The place was very sterile-looking with
an echo that seemed to bounce off the wall directly in my ear. Is this my future? Is this what is waiting for me in March? Knowing that my daughter, who was never like this in public, wouldn't stand for her child to behave in such a manner. A chill ran down my spine from the very top to my tail bone. Ive never been a kid person but I do know my daughter will not allow her child to scream bloody murder in public. Although the children were having a grand ol' time, their parents were chasing after them shushing the whole time. Im just going to have to buck up and learn that this is probably the only way they can express their joy with excitement by exercising their lungs. Wow I have a lot to look forward to whether I like it or not!
Actually, their little performance was adorable...
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What it means to be able to celebrate Grandparent's Day (next year)!
In all actuality, it will be neat. Hard, but neat. I absolutely can not wait til the day my grandchild arrives. I never thought this would ever happen. Having a condition called A.D.E.M. as a teenager, I was told that 'children were not possible'. Yet my daughter is here to share her soon-to-be child with the world.
As I look into my futuristic crystal ball, I fantasize about this day next year that I can celebrate what a true grandmother can be. I am going to be a hands-on grandmother, which means that since the proximity of my living quarters are so close, I will be there to help as much as I can without taking over, (which is going to be a feat in itself!) But I do worry..when I lay eyes on my precious bundle of joy, I will have to practice a lot of self-discipline to stand back and wait in the wings to give the responsibility to my daughter. I will have to practice to keep my thoughts to myself and let the mommy handle it, because I feel that I raised her right to take care of what she needs to do for her child. It's only fair.
I want to be reminded why I am alive. A child can remind you. I do remember when my own daughter was a child and, although it was very scary, I felt a sense of comfort being in her presence. As a grandmother, I will achieve this again. The fact that children are indiscriminating, nonjudgmental little people and are curious to just about anything makes their joy so very contagious. Fear not! I can still come and go as I please without the feeling of handling all the responsibility. I will still be able to have a social life (such as it is). I will leave that responsibility to my daughter. I had my time to be able to raise her myself, now its her turn. There is a reason why women get pregnant in their 20s and 30s. They have more energy to take care their babies where I wouldn't be able to have the energy to keep up like I once had.
So you are RH-negative, huh?
As a young mother in the early nineties, I just gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. Along with many things that I didn't know about taking care of a baby, I didn't realize that I had to learn how to take care of my own health as well. I can remember the day of my baby's birth, a gruff but nice nurse came into the room where I was sharing with another woman. She came next to my bed and said, “Honey, do you realize that you are RH negative?” I looked at her with a deer-in-headlights look having no idea what she meant or the implications that it had. She just gave me a shot in the arm and told me that I could've spread it to my baby. Fast-forward into 2013. My daughter had her 12 week check-up today and I had a deja vu feeling again from the prenatal doctor who explained that my daughter is RH negative. Good news....the mother and baby are healthy! :)
Having an RH-positive status means that your blood will more in likely match with your baby's blood. It has been said that about 85% of Caucasians, 90-95% of African Americans and 98-99% of Asian Americans are RH-positive. Unfortunately for the females of my family, we are RH-negative. This means that if you are RH-negative, you are going to have to take certain precautions during your pregnancy. Don't worry, if you are RH-incompatible with your baby, it probably won't harm you or your first child during gestation. If at some chance you and your baby's blood mixes into each other, your immune system will produce antibodies against the positive RH blood. In the event of this happening, you will become RH-sensitized. This can attack the blood of your future child if you don't get the vaccine. This vaccine can stop any cross-contamination by an injection called RH immune globulin. This is given to first-time pregnant women if there is a chance that it will be exposed to the second infant's blood.
But lets just say that you have become sensitized. You will have the antibodies for the rest of your life. The production of the antibodies will live on in your blood increasing the risk of RH disease with every subsequent pregnancy. But good news is on the horizon. Doctors are seeking new ways to save children born with the RH disease. Keeping tabs on the baby's condition throughout gestation by either a Doppler ultrasound or an amniocentesis will help your doctor monitor the situation. About 5,000 babies a year still develop RH disease although doctors and nurses are trying to screen and treat as many women as possible.
So I guess that gruff but nice nurse was right....
Be wise! Protect the eyes! (Especially while pregnant!)
Pregnant women have to deal with a lot of things with the change of their bodies. They have to worry about having morning sickness to back pain....and everything in between. Attach vision problems to that long list of things to 'look out for'. Hormones (boy, I know how bad it is in the receiving end!), the changes in the metabolism, fluid retention and blood circulation are all the changes that affect the eyes during pregnancy. These changes can affect the thickness of the cornea by increasing slightly even though the changes are very small. This change can affect how you wear your glasses or contacts on a daily basis.
My daughter had an eye doctor appointment last week. The doctor explained to us that during pregnancy, these changes can affect your prescription. He told us on how more pregnant women report that they feel a bit more nearsighted now than they were before they became pregnant. Although this wasn't a very good time to get a new prescription, the rule of thumb is that these changes are going to be temporary and typically reverse themselves within a month to several month after the delivery. After being asked, he advised that getting laser surgery while pregnant isn't a very good idea; rather, they do not allow it with most insurance companies.There are many different irritants that can happen to a pregnant woman during this time of her life. It
Some women that have to deal with Glaucoma usually find that their eyesight improves during pregnancy which is a real good thing. Keep in mind that the medication needs to be adjusted as soon as possible. Lessening the baby's exposure to the medications is a good thing for Glaucoma patients who would like to plan a pregnancy.
Off to college but still at home....
School has finally returned for my daughter. As I stay at home alone, I wonder how she is dealing with life during her busy day, even while she is pregnant. Unfortunately, the morning sickness came back. Either it was that, or nerves. Doesn't matter, she will have to go anyway. I'm sure seeing her friends from last semester was a great meeting. I, on the other hand, stayed home and cleaned. That seems all I do. That and blogging. I really need to get a life or at least a friend. But hoping that she excels in college is worth it.
Today seems like a good day. She didn't have morning sickness and was able to attend all her classes. She got to see friends from the last semester and told me how excited she was to see them again.
I am happy that she is going back to college to fulfill what she wanted to do before she became pregnant. It shows that she is persistent in making sure this child has a better life than I could ever give her. She wants to make sure that her child will grow up to be proud and that nothing, not even pregnancy can stand in the way of getting an education.
12 weeks and counting!
The is the day that I would see the wonderful creation my daughter is holding and nurturing inside her body. Meeting at the OBGYN doctors office, I sat in the waiting room playing my favorite game "Bejeweled" on my phone. Seeing the ultrasound actually was important to me but I never knew of the emotions that would emerge from my heart. As we wait for our name to be called, sitting in the waiting room watching the other families that came in to sit down and wait for their turn, I felt that we were all collectively in the same circumstance and it put me in a better, more hopeful mood.
Our family was called to see the ultrasound technician. We seem to walk in an endless hallway of doctor office doors. Soon we reached our destination to the sonogram room where a woman dressed in a lab coat with denim jeans was waiting for us. My daughter sat on the table and got ready as instructed from the technician. It seemed more modern than when I went for her ultrasound in '93. I was alone when I found out that I was having a girl, unfortunately her father had to work.
As the wand was waving across my daughter's stomach, I could see a piece of perfection emerging on the screen. The baby appeared to be healthy but stubborn. (She) was laying on her back with her legs laying on the wall of the uterus. It was, in my opinion, the cutest introduction. Floating in the embryonic fluid, there was my reason for living (inside my other reason for living.)
I've never been a "kid" person although I was blessed with a child. Now I am blessed with a grandchild and I couldn't be more happy knowing that beautiful angel will be in my arms in about 6 months.
Week 10-11 of my grand baby's growth
As I sit here watching the new "Star Trek", I think about James T. Kirk not having his parents together. His father was on the Starship Enterprise and was attacked by enemies while his wife was on a pod leaving the ship, giving birth to their only child, never to see her husband again.
While I realize this is just a movie, I wonder how my grandchild will deal with (her) parents not living together. My daughter will not keep the child away from the other family. That was not how she was brought up. I am just hoping the other family will hold their end of the bargain. A child should not have to go through a situation without their other parent being any case.
There are many positives in this week. My daughter has regained some energy back that she didn't have from the weeks before. Her appetite has somewhat returned and things are looking better for her. She is now at week 10-11..and my grand baby is no bigger than a fig. This is wonderful news! The risk of congenital birth defects are now lessened which makes me (almost) breathe a sigh of relief. (Her) fingernails have slightly formed with the look of a 'human fetus' connected to the placenta, (which is now functioning.) My daughter found a really good app for her iPhone that describes what is happening to your body while you are making this transition to motherhood. The pregnancy app is on iPhone, iPod touch and android. It is free and it tracks your day-to-day growth.
App reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
The BabyCenter My Pregnancy Today app is everything that millions of women love about BabyCenter right in their purse." – Linda Murray, BabyCenter editor-in-chief
BabyCenter My Pregnancy Today is the most comprehensive daily pregnancy app from the world's most trusted pregnancy and parenting resource. Simply enter your baby's due date, and BabyCenter My Pregnancy Today turns your phone into an expert guide for each day of your pregnancy. Feel more prepared for your baby's birth and get the answers you need, whenever you need them. Here’s what you’ll get:
- My pregnancy day by day: BabyCenter's renowned weekly guide to pregnancy is now optimized for your smart phone with daily information and advice.
- Fetal development images: See your baby grow with our one-of-kind images developed by expert medical illustrators.
- Pregnancy checklist: This interactive to-do list is filled with activities and reminders to keep you on track with decisions, doctor appointments, and more.
- Award-winning videos: Watch what’s happening inside the womb with breathtaking 3-D animations, or, get informed (and inspired) about your own delivery day with live-action birth videos.
- Birth clubs: Meet other moms-to-be who are due at the same time as you and get instant advice and support.
- Due date calculator: Figure out your due date and count down to the big day.
- Nutrition guide: These tips and recipes will help you eat well and manage cravings.
Here is the address: or you can find it in the app store
Seven weeks and counting...
Such a rainy day outside. Very dreary. I am finding myself doing more and more when it comes to my blogs. Diving myself into my work is probably a place that I find safety or piece of mind. If I am not playing that addictive game "Bejeweled" that I have recently downloaded on my phone, I would go absolutely out of my mind. My daughter remains on the couch, too sick to go out for walks, too sick to eat. Her eyes seem to be bigger than her stomach while I prepare the foods of her cravings. She takes two bites of whatever I make for her then pushes it aside. I feel bad and I don't know what else to do to help her with her appetite. I bought her some popsicles and I am planning on making her milkshakes and sorbet. Any suggestions would be welcomed.
It is comforting to know that someone who has been a wonderful mommy to all her dollies and barbies all her life will soon have a full-time baby and she will have the chance to play barbies with her daughter. Unfortunately I was never in to playing dolls. In turn, that was detriment to my relationship with my daughter. We were alone since she was four years old. I have to thank my mother and my sister for helping me. They had a big hand in raising this child. I am just hoping that I can do the same for my grand baby as they did for my daughter. Like I have said before, any suggestions would help in planning on making her things such as milkshakes. What would be the best thing for pregnant women to snack on?
My Grand Baby's First Picture
Sleep. That is the word of the month. She has no energy for anything and it is scaring the bejesus out of me. As she is in a constant deep sleep, I am pacing the hall hoping to hear her rustle around in her bed or talk in her sleep. But she is REALLY catching up on whatever sleep that her body is craving. Her eating habits have also slowed down which is another worry. When I was carrying her, there was nothing I didn't crave. If you set food in front of me, nine times out-of-ten, it would be gone.
The day is finally here. July 24th, the baby's daddy and my pregnant daughter went to the doctor for her first OBGYN check-up. Everything went wonderful. They heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was strong and powerful. The doctor gave her a prescription of pills to stop her from being so nauseous. Hopefully it will help her regain her appetite. That is an on-going worry for me.
My daughter came home from her appointment with a picture of my grandchild. Like a damn fool, I put it on Facebook, Google and I even Vined it. Here is HER first picture of my grand baby's existence. I am so proud to see HER healthy and steadily growing in my daughter's belly. My daughter's new due date is March 13, 2014. It is close to her father's birthday which is March 17th. I am hoping that she will give birth during that time....if she can't deliver on
my birthday of March 4th, at least do it for him.
First experience from a grandmother's point of view
We are now in our 6th week of pregnancy....tee-hee I mean (she) is in (her) 6th week. Exciting as it is, I am watching her sleep more and eat things she never would have eaten when she was a teenager. She never liked fried chicken, but at least once a week, the father of her baby Jeremy buys her favorite food. Of course there are things she can not stand smelling. I am a smoker.....and she can't stand smelling that. Good..She can't stand the smell of hamburgers or fast food except Taco Bell or Subway.
I do, however worry that she is sleeping too much. When I had to make the dreadful choice I, too slept a lot but I couldn't maneuver my body the way I wanted to, the way normal people function. I realize I don't talk about it a lot. It saddens me to even think about that scenario. Fortunately she has her appetite.
She surprises me and wakes up only to run into the kitchen fridge and devour as much as she can stand. I was warned by many not to let her gain too much weight so we are going to start doing exercises like arm curls and leg lifts. Unfortunately I don't know when this is going to happen..
I am happy that she has always been a homebody. Now she is even more a homebody. She has a friend that comes over after work. Her friend has a child and my daughter welcomes her advice. She's a good kid too and I am very happy my daughter has a good friend. Thank goodness she will start off on the right foot.
Last night was a very scary night for me (and her). She experienced her first time with 'morning sickness'. She had felt nauseated all night and crawled into my bed like she used to do as a child. As I was rubbing her forehead, she asked me to take this sickness away from her so she can sleep. know the answer to that.
As she ran to the bathroom to have a "session", I told her that it is too bad that she is having 'morning sickness'. I couldn't hold in a smile when she retorted (in a serious voice), "This can't possibly be morning sickness. It's only 2 A.M." Ok.....(snicker).
I can see now that I am going to have a little fun with due time.
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