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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What it means to be able to celebrate Grandparent's Day (next year)!

In all actuality, it will be neat. Hard, but neat. I absolutely can not wait til the day my grandchild arrives. I never thought this would ever happen. Having a condition called A.D.E.M. as a teenager, I was told that 'children were not possible'. Yet my daughter is here to share her soon-to-be child with the world.
As I look into my futuristic crystal ball, I fantasize about this day next year that I can celebrate what a true grandmother can be. I am going to be a hands-on grandmother, which means that since the proximity of my living quarters are so close, I will be there to help as much as I can without taking over, (which is going to be a feat in itself!) But I do worry..when I lay eyes on my precious bundle of joy, I will have to practice a lot of self-discipline to stand back and wait in the wings to give the responsibility to my daughter. I will have to practice to keep my thoughts to myself and let the mommy handle it, because I feel that I raised her right to take care of what she needs to do for her child. It's only fair.
I want to be reminded why I am alive. A child can remind you. I do remember when my own daughter was a child and, although it was very scary, I felt a sense of comfort being in her presence. As a grandmother, I will achieve this again. The fact that children are indiscriminating, nonjudgmental little people and are curious to just about anything makes their joy so very contagious. Fear not! I can still come and go as I please without the feeling of handling all the responsibility. I will still be able to have a social life (such as it is). I will leave that responsibility to my daughter. I had my time to be able to raise her myself, now its her turn. There is a reason why women get pregnant in their 20s and 30s. They have more energy to take care their babies where I wouldn't be able to have the energy to keep up like I once had.
Grandparents Rules One of my most favorite thing to do with a child is to teach them. They  are sponges and showing them the proper steps to learn gives me the  feeling of accomplishment. I will aspire to be a role model for my  grandchild. I want to show ethical wisdom, emotional intelligence,  generosity, respect for the environment and being able to accept the  ups and downs that life will offer and how to accept them. As my  grandchild is a window into a future unfolding, they can go either way. I  want to make sure this child will be able to learn what other's have the  chance to do. I also want to be able to help instill values that we hold  dear without risk of backlash. Yes, I am going to cherish these  precious moments. :)

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