We are now in our 6th week of pregnancy....tee-hee I mean (she) is in (her) 6th week. Exciting as it is, I am watching her sleep more and eat things she never would have eaten when she was a teenager. She never liked fried chicken, but at least once a week, the father of her baby Jeremy buys her favorite food. Of course there are things she can not stand smelling. I am a smoker.....and she can't stand smelling that. Good..She can't stand the smell of hamburgers or fast food except Taco Bell or Subway.
I do, however worry that she is sleeping too much. When I had to make the dreadful choice I, too slept a lot but I couldn't maneuver my body the way I wanted to, the way normal people function. I realize I don't talk about it a lot. It saddens me to even think about that scenario. Fortunately she has her appetite.
She surprises me and wakes up only to run into the kitchen fridge and devour as much as she can stand. I was warned by many not to let her gain too much weight so we are going to start doing exercises like arm curls and leg lifts. Unfortunately I don't know when this is going to happen..
I am happy that she has always been a homebody. Now she is even more a homebody. She has a friend that comes over after work. Her friend has a child and my daughter welcomes her advice. She's a good kid too and I am very happy my daughter has a good friend. Thank goodness she will start off on the right foot.
Last night was a very scary night for me (and her). She experienced her first time with 'morning sickness'. She had felt nauseated all night and crawled into my bed like she used to do as a child. As I was rubbing her forehead, she asked me to take this sickness away from her so she can sleep. Well...you know the answer to that.
As she ran to the bathroom to have a "session", I told her that it is too bad that she is having 'morning sickness'. I couldn't hold in a smile when she retorted (in a serious voice), "This can't possibly be morning sickness. It's only 2 A.M." Ok.....(snicker).
I can see now that I am going to have a little fun with this..in due time.
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