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Friday, January 31, 2014

Well THAT was a treat!

"Time to get out of bed, Bug", I called out to my daughter who was still sleeping. Today she has a doctor's appointment for a baby check-up. As she gets out of bed, the nausea feeling begins to take hold, especially when she stood up straight. Unfortunately all she has been able to keep down is peanut butter toast with fruit cocktail on the side in the morning hours and mashed potatoes with steak (and sometimes a veggie). She has been known to eat a little bit of snacks in between meals but has only gained 8-10 pounds throughout the whole pregnancy. It has been the case of trial and error to see what she likes, what Victoria likes, or nothing at all. You must know that I have been up at 8 am fixing breakfast....or 2:30 in the morning flipping pancakes because she was hungry at the time and I knew there was only a little window to get some type of nourishment in her body. Believe me, I have been trying. As we arrive at the OBGYN, my daughter and I took the elevator to the fourth floor. In triage, she admitted to the nurse that it is hard to keep food down still even when she drinks water. The nurse directs us to a small room where she will finally see her doctor. I thought everything was going well when they were checking Victoria's heartbeat with the Doppler. The doctor has a confused (and startling) look on her face. "The heartbeats should be between 155-160, Victoria's is 148." My heart fell down to my toes. Why is her heartbeat slow? As my daughter was getting dressed, a nurse came into the room to direct my daughter in the direction of getting an NST (Fetal Non-Stress Test). Unfortunately there was no room for me to wait with her in the room so I went outside, still a bit nervous. After 15 minutes, my daughter texts me to tell me that they are going to order an emergency ultrasound. She also informs me that Victoria is fine and we have nothing to worry about. Someone told my daughter that she will get a 3D ultrasound to see about the movements of the little miss. So alive (which she is), my mouth fell to the floor! All the petrified feelings that I had felt only a few minutes prior were now diminished when I saw that baby's face. Can this be true? Is she really coming into our lives? And...why is she sucking on her toe? :) I think I'm in love. :)

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