Day of Dread: Getting a Glucose Test at 7 months pregnant
Aaarrrgggh! I am not a morning person but today is a very important day for my daughter and grand daughter's life to get her Glucose tested at a Knoxville hospital. I was seriously dreading this day. Dragging herself out of bed only to run on a few hours of sleep, my daughter comes in my room to wake me up five minutes before the alarm goes off. Crawling out of the warm covers, I reach for my glasses and turn off the alarm before it starts blaring. My daughter is in a pretty good mood this morning at 6 am which is rather surprising to me. We both prepared Mommy (seven month preggers)for this day by making sure we set our clothes out the night before; took our showers and made sure we crossed our “T's” and dotted our “I's”. My mother, who plays a pivotal role in our lives, texted to tell us she was on her way to pick us up to bring us to the hospital in the city. “Omw” read the text from one of my best friends. I locked the door to my apartment while my daughter ran downstairs with her purse and lunch in hand. She was instructed to fast and hasn't eaten since midnight last night so I wanted to prepare a small lunch for her.
We found a parking spot in the garage next to the hospital. Although my daughter was in a rather up-beat mood, she mentioned that she wasn't looking forward to the orange concoction that she had to drink and the nurse drawing blood from her arm by the hour. She started the test at 8 am and ended at 11:30 am. Although it was grueling for her while we waited in the lobby, I could imagine how grueling it must be for her not being able to eat anything. When my daughter drank the orange Glucose drink, my grand daughter jumped back and forth, rolling around as if she was doing jumping jacks or somersaults. She was very active and it wasn't hard to see why.
Hours later, my daughter is warm in her bed taking a nap after eating a submarine sandwich from Publix supermarket. We stopped there on the way home from the hospital to get her a favorite meal of hers.
The dreaded day is finally over.
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