Very nervous, but so proud. Very happy but scared at the same time. I don't know where to turn but I feel that I have both feet firmly planted on the ground. My daughter is expecting. What to do....what to do now. We both have some money saved in the bank for emergencies and we will get prepared throughout the coming months. It isn't going to be easy but if my family stays united, nothing can break us down.
Today we went to the many places that you would go to when you are pregnant in America. It was confirmed at the health department that she was indeed pregnant and the lady behind the counter advised us to get WIC. It is a basic program for pregnant women to have milk, vitamins, peanut butter and much, much more. I am happy to know that there is a program such as this. When my daughter was young, this program wasn't as strong standing as it is today. There were only a few items that I could rely on at that time. Today WIC offers actual classes for new mothers to benefit. I wish they had their act together in the early 90s.
I am making this blog to document the day-to-day feelings that I have about this. I can say that I am scared to death but happy at the same time. I know it is going to be hard and I realize we are going to have obstacles that are going to be in our way in the not-too-distant future, but the operative word isn't "obstacles", it is "we". And my daughter, the father of the baby, my family and I will be able to raise this child with love and discipline. My daughter needs me right now and as a mother, I want to be there in her time of need. Isn't that what any right-minded mother would do for their offspring? I just know in my heart that this is the right thing to do.
I am going to be the best grandmother one can possibly be.
Will it be a she.....? Or will it be a he...?
Only God knows. I just want my grandchild to be healthy with all ten fingers and all ten toes..and maybe two lips (oh did I say that out loud?)